Use "widening|widenings" in a sentence

1. 2 synonyms for Broadening: widening, widening

2. Literacy and numeracy , including widening vocabulary .

3. Turning and turning in the widening gyre.

4. • A widening fiscal deficit, however, presents growing macro challenges.

5. However, losses in the parent group, Sea are also widening.

6. • widening of poverty gap or access to affordable food

7. Bronchiectasis is an abnormal widening of one or more airways

8. Algebraic statistics is a new field whose scope is still widening.

9. Bradykinin is a protein that lowers blood pressure by widening blood vessels

10. Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.

11. Widening access and participation is a key overall objective for the Assembly.

12. Pasty insert material for widening the gingival sulcus and use thereof

13. Sandy stared at me, his eyes widening behind his rimless glasses.

14. The critical space for India to play an increasingly pro-active role is widening.

15. 19 The foregoing underscores the ever-widening gulf that separates Jehovah’s people from Satan’s world.

16. Vietnam’s growth was accompanied by low inflation and widening current account surplus.

17. Through their work, the fruits of biblical scholarship were disseminated to an ever-widening audience.

18. We might imagine the young woman’s eyes widening as her mother-in-law spoke.

19. They must also reimburse the company for any widening and road improvement carried out.

20. Caught in the torch beam were a pair of eyes, glittering ebony pupils widening in shock.

21. Ace switched on the spacewalk jets and launched herself through the widening yawn of the doors.

22. By the end of World War I, however, she faced a widening split with her radical allies.

23. Novel pasty masses used as insert material for widening the gingival sulcus are described.

24. Thus, he uses his own suffering as a doorway to widening his circle of compassion.

25. But such displays of defiance belie a widening sense of despair among Mr Ahmadinejad's opponents.

26. The crudest fragments, totalling around 000 tonnes, have been used in widening the Berlin autobahn.

27. Computed tomography scanning is a very accurate technique for detecting widening of the collecting system (Fig

28. However, because nonspecific duct widening is common it might be also coincidental finding in many processes.

29. Typically, Bronchiectasis causes widening of medium-sized airways, but often smaller airways become scarred and destroyed.

30. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion."

31. 13 The letter provided further evidence of the widening schism between the church and Downing Street.

32. Europe of and by the people, a Europe, an experiment in deepening and widening democracy beyond borders.

33. A large part of the widening current account deficit is still financed by short-term capital inflows.

34. But Caltrans officials said the scenic-highway designation would not limit traffic, prevent development or halt road-widening projects.

35. Never has Chabrol revealed so relentlessly the dangerous, ever-widening chasm between the haves and the have-nots.

36. The substructure design is based on the accommodation of six girder lines for future widening of the superstructure.

37. No one spoke of it but it was there, like a little moat between us, widening each day.

38. Aneurysm, widening of an artery that develops from a weakness or destruction of the medial layer of the blood vessel

39. Averren broke the seal with his thumb, unfolded the parchment, and read it, his eyes widening with every line

40. The only alternatives considered related to the form of the widening, and did not include alternative freight transport routes.

41. Where at first we had a small cap of higher rainfall, that cap is now widening and getting higher.

42. Bronchodilators are a type of medication that make breathing easier by relaxing the muscles in the lungs and widening the airways (bronchi)

43. Adverse Effects Frequent: nausea, vomiting, cramps, cinchonism Occasional: widening of QRS complex, cardiac disturbance, headache, fever, delirium, rashes Rare: acute hemolytic anemia

44. Aperture controls both depth of field and exposure — widening the Aperture to blur out the background will also brighten the photo

45. For strengthening of NH-234, PM will lay the foundation stone for the widening and strengthening of carriage ways and culverts.

46. in writing. - (HU) In terms of employment, a comparison of urban and rural areas reveals that a widening abyss is developing.

47. Doctors have discovered that in suitable cases the lumpy atheroma deposits can be squeezed flat, widening the arteries again.

48. Because Bronchiectasis creates an abnormal widening of the airways, extra mucus tends to form and pool in parts of the

49. [Problem] To limit the occurrence of lateral chromatic aberration in an objective optical system, while widening the angle of view.

50. The widening of the brake caliper (1) is a measurement for the clamping force when the brake disk is actuated.

51. 5 The widening or duplication of tunnels to obviate one way working of wide barges soas to avoid long delays.

52. Frame by frame Byworde easily led her through widening hallways into the cathedral-like space where the gigantic double doors stood

53. Yet, traditional criticism has generally been uninterested in the widening of vernacular expression among groups previously unable to record their voices.

54. In The New Conspirators he warns against the dangers of globalisation and consumerism and the gap between rich and poor that those trends are widening.

55. NOIDA: Dysfunctional lights, broken barriers, and widening cracks are common sights on the high-speed Carriageways of the Delhi-Noida-Direct …

56. An Aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel

57. The massive widening of the EMS bands to 15% on either side of a central parity initially made a single currency appear more remote.

58. • Seat replacement Accessibility improvements to concessions and washrooms Improved accessible viewing platforms Ice widening Refrigeration plant replacement Dehumidification equipment General renovations – Lighting, washrooms, elevator, change rooms

59. The widening of the solid angle of the IR-radiation enables a chamber, which is to be illuminated, to be illuminated in an even manner.

60. Desirous of strengthening the bonds of brotherhood, widening the scope of co-operation and of promoting the mutual interests of their respective people;

61. Some Basenjis from Africa were imported in the 1980’s, widening the gene pool and introducing the brindle color to the breed

62. Bronchodilators are a type of medication that make breathing easier by relaxing the muscles in the lungs and widening the airways (bronchi)

63. The gap between real-world emissions and what will be needed to keep warming below the agreed-upon limits is rapidly widening.

64. In chronic atelectasis, the affected area is often characterized by a complex mixture of Airlessness, infection, widening of the bronchi (bronchiectasis), destruction, and scarring (fibrosis).

65. Where China is concerned, this is very evident in the frequency of our high-level exchanges and the widening of our already substantive bilateral agenda.

66. China, with its centrally controlled economy, managed currency and restrictions on capital inflows,(sentencedict .com) has become a haven for investors fleeing widening global debt turmoil.

67. MR images show a mild degree of cerebral atrophy, as slight widening of the hemispheric sulci, prominent in the parietal and perisylvian regions.

68. "Gold imports alone have contributed nearly 40 basis points to the 130 basis points widening in India's current account deficit between FY'08 and FY'11," Macquarie said.

69. On the external front, the current account balance is projected to remain in surplus, but start narrowing from 2019, reflecting widening deficits on the income and services accounts.

70. Aneurysma, a widening] Localized abnormal dilatation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, due to a congenital defect or weakness in the wall of the vessel

71. "What no one seemed to notice, " said a colleague of mine, a philologist, "was the ever widening gap, after 19 between the government and the people.

72. Studies of various rivers have revealed that the process of river entrenchment has been associated with adjustment of river positions through bank erosion, as well as widening.

73. in writing. - (HU) In terms of employment, a comparison of urban and rural areas reveals that a widening abyss is developing. Women living in rural areas are particularly disadvantaged.

74. Constructor permits widening conversions to occur when matching the actual parameters to newInstance() with the underlying Constructor's formal parameters, but throws an IllegalArgumentException if a narrowing conversion would occur.

75. The Biasing mechanism can take various forms such as a widening passageway, contour elements along the Biasing mechanism, or a curved section of the Biasing mechanism passageway

76. Your Autonomic nervous system is the part of your nervous system that controls involuntary actions, such as the beating of your heart and the widening or narrowing of your blood vessels

77. Curettage may also be done in the uterus; dilation and Curettage (D&C) refers to the dilation (widening) of the cervical canal to permit Curettage of the

78. For example, research suggests that Coenzyme Q10 may reduce oxidative stress, as well as promote widening of the blood vessels—a key factor in blood pressure control

79. See Table 4 Frequent: vomiting, cramps, cinchonism (tinnitus, nausea, headache, blurred vision) Occasional: widening of QRS complex, cardiac disturbance, fever, delirium, rashesRare: acute hemolytic anemia quinidine sulphate

80. 26 Traders remain cautions as German policy makers continue to downplay expectations for this weekend summit. Trader are guardedly watching Frances CDS climbing and yield spreads widening.